Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

All News

Category: 2012 Competition FSE Award

Here at Bosch Engineering GmbH you will find the best of two worlds for your electronic systems: individual solutions combined with the benefits of…


Category: Competition FSC Award 2012

Here at Bosch Engineering GmbH you will find the best of two worlds for your electronic systems: individual solutions combined with the benefits of…


Category: FSC Award Competition 2012

As a leading supplier of diesel engines for marine propulsion and off-highway applications, Tognum is particularly committed to setting the benchmark…


Category: Competition FSE Award 2012

We invented the motorized vehicle and are passionate about the future of automotive engineering. Our Road to Emission-free Driving stands for our…


Press representatives are cordially invited to cover Formula Student Germany 2012. The press representatives interested in being accredited to cover…


All teams that participate in FSG are requested to submit a short abstract on their car together with technical specifications and CAD renderings of…


Category: Competition

The order of the scrutineering queue for FSG 2012 will be determined by means of a scrutineering quiz like in the previous two years. The…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Warning! Historical stuff!

I am often asked where I learned about this race car design stuff. Students want to know if they can learn the same way.…


Category: General

We are looking for volunteers who want to help us to make Formula Student Germany 2012 another unforgettable event for all its participants.



Category: Competition

All teams that intend to have their car shipped to the Hockenheimring for FSG 2012 are kindly requested to take notice of the document on vehicle…


The Education and Research Academy for Welding Technology Mannheim Ltd. (SLV) has been responsible for supporting the Formula Student Teams in welding…


DEKRA offers a workshop on the handling of high voltage (HV) systems on board of road vehicles.  The workshop will be held on May 10th from 9:00 until…


The FSG Executive Committee would like to point out the following: teams that need a letter of invitation in order to receive their Visa for FSG 2012,…


Category: Competition

As you may have already suspected, this is Formula Student Germany and we always have a back up of a back up. There were no errors in the results of…


Due to a programming error, the registration quiz result for FSC and FSE Teams for this years event has been deemed invalid. All teams are to retake…


Time for another column.

I have been busy over the last few weeks writing my share of a new FS/FSAE book that will hopefully be published in time for…


Registration for FSG 2012 opened at noon on the 16th January. Team members from all around the world sat together in anticipation of being the first…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, 2011 has passed into history, so we are all a year older and hopefully a year wiser. I wish all teams around the world, the very best wishes for…


Category: Competition

On Monday January 16 the registration for both FSC 2012 and FSE 2012 will open. One week in advance the early registration will open for FSC 2012. New…


The Formula Student Germany Team wishes you a Very Merry Christmas and a relaxing holiday!

We are looking forward to seeing you in Hockenheim from 31


To end the year the websites of both Formula Student Electric and Formula Student Electric Combustion can now be found on one website: www.formulastud…


Category: Competition

The complete rules for FSG 2012 are now available online. The 2012 FSC rules can be found here, and the 2012 FSE rules can be here.

The rules govern…


Category: General

In October 2011, for the first time ever, the German Formula Student team “TUfast”, from the Technical University of Munich, travelled to Asia with…


Category: Academy

On December 2nd the FS Academy will offer a workshop focusing on electric powertrains. The workshop will be open for all teams planning to participate…


Category: Academy

Under the title “Fascination for bonding – Hightech solutions for extreme conditions” Henkel will organize again two two-day workshops for Formula…


The team from the university of Pisa have won the FSG 2011 Media Award. The team was awarded for their outstanding 30-second commercial which they…


The weekend of 17 and 18 September the FSG Operative Team came together in Leipzig to evaluate the 2011 event and to discuss and start the…


Category: Academy

The yearly FSG workshop for 2011 will be held at the Bosch Engineering facility in Abstatt on Saturday the 29th of October. The workshop offers…


Category: Competition

The energy meter data that was recorded during FSE 2011 is now available online. All FSE teams that participated in FSE 2011 and which took part in…


Category: Competition

This year’s Formula Student winners are Global Formula Racing from DHBW Ravensburg, car 21, for Formula Student Combustion and DUT Racing Team of the…


Category: Competition

Saturday 6th August FSC & FSE Acceleration as well as Autocross took place. The Autocross determines the starting order for the Endurance Event.…


Category: Competition

Tonight you will not see the moon but the sun. Not only are the FSG organizers able to let it rain but also they can make the sun shine at night. Come…


Like in previous years, also this year we offer a live stream for all those who cannot join us here on site at the Hockenheim Ring. The live stream…


Friday 5th of  August the FSC Statics took place:

  • Engineering Design
  • Cost Analysis
  • Business Plan Presentation

Yesterday night also the FSC Business…


Category: Competition

For the first time we will have Live Timing on the FSG website. So the driving times of the cars, before only shown on the displays at the track, will…


Category: Competition

On Saturday scrutineering on demand will be offered. All teams that did not pass scrutineering yet, as well as all teams that have not yet presented…


Category: Competition

Thursday 4th of August the FSE Statics took place:

  • FSE Engineering Design
  • Cost Analysis
  • Business Plan Presentation

Tonight also the FSE Business Plan…


Category: Competition

Thursday 4th of August the judging of the special awards powered by Tognum and Henkel took place in the FSG Forum. The finalists for the Most…


Category: Competition

Wednesday 3rd of August we really started the event. First of all, the teams had the chance to go the the scrutineering. 11 FSE teams already passed…


Category: Competition

The order of the scrutineering queue for FSG 2011 has been determined by means of a scrutineering quiz. The results of this scrutineering quiz have…


Category: General

This year, wireless internet powered by Bosch is being provided to all participating teams and visitors of FSG 2011.  For simplification, it is also…


Category: General

Preparation for FSG2011 at the Hockenheim Ring has been running at full speed since this morning. Volunteers and Officals are working hard setting up…


Category: Competition

The Event Handbooks for FSC and FSE with information for all participating teams are now available as PDF document. The event handbooks contain…


Category: Competition

All teams need to have their cars scrutineered before being allowed to take part in any of the dynamic events. The order for scrutineering is obtained…


Category: FSG Award 2011 media award

To those teams out there who enjoy reporting, we have created an award for you. The Media Award.

You have until 17:00h on the 7th August to produce a…


Category: Competition 2011 FSC Award FSE Award

There are no compromises when it comes to the finest sports car engineering. Technical precision and performance must be pushed to the limits – and…


Category: Competition 2011 FSC Award

We at Bosch Engineering GmbH know the needs of the automotive industry and the engineering community. There is a growing demand for graduates who are…


Category: Competition

Through the excellent support that Formula Student Germany is continuing to receive from industry and other related sponsors a top secret source has…


Category: Competition 2011 FSC Award

As a leading supplier of diesel engines for marine propulsion and off-highway applications, Tognum is particularly committed to setting the benchmark…


Category: Competition 2011 FSE Award

Here at Bosch Engineering GmbH you will find the best of two worlds for your electronic systems: individual solutions combined with the benefits of…


Category: Competition FSE Award 2011

We invented the motorized vehicle and are passionate about the future of automotive engineering. Our Road to Emission-free Driving stands for our…


Category: Competition

All teams that intend to have their car shipped to the Hockenheimring for FSG 2011 are kindly requested to take notice of the document on vehicle…


In less than two months the sixth Formula Student Germany will take place at the Hockenheimring. Therefore, it may come as no surprise that the…


Category: Pat´s Corner

The first major event of the FSAE/FS season has passed with Oregon State/GFR winning the FSAE event at Michigan International Speedway a couple of…


Category: Competition

One part of the cost event is the calculation of total vehicle cost. To do so every team has to sum up the costs of every single part on the car. In…


Category: Competition

Attention all FSG student competitors:


Category: Competition 2011 FSC Award FSE Award

Like in the last 2 years Henkel offers again a price for the Best Use of Adhesives. It starts to become a tradition and it seems to turn into a…


Category: General

It was brought to our attention that the eCarTec Award 2011 is open for contenders. FSE Teams might be interested in participation.

The eCarTec is an…


Some FSE teams experienced difficulties with specifying the charging type and charging power of their car in the online form. All issues with the form…


Category: Competition

The order of the scrutineering queue for FSG 2011 will be determined by means of a scrutineering quiz. The scrutineering quiz will take place on Monda…


Category: Competition

With FSG 2011 just three months away, we would like to point out to you some minor modifications in the team member designation procedure for FSC and…


Category: Competition

The FSG Executive Committee would like to point out the following: teams that need a letter of invitation in order to receive their Visa for FSG 2011,…


Category: Competition

All teams that are registered for FSE2011 need to prepare an electrical safety form (ESF) for their car. The ESF must visualize the interconnection of…


The Education and Research Academy for Welding Technology Mannheim Ltd. (SLV) has been responsible for supporting the Formula Student Teams in welding…


It has been brought to our attention by one of our design judges that there is a very useful paper by prof. K.H. Bill on the complete layout and…


Category: Competition

In order to facilitate teams better in preparing their Design Spec Sheet (DSS) an online DSS form has been introduced for FSG11. This form can be…


Category: Competition

There have been a lot of questions about impact attenuator (IA) design regarding acceptance at FSG. We would like to elaborate on this below:

We accept…


All teams please take note of the following:
Attachment of the Impact Attenuator (IA) on the middle of the anti-intrusion plate, if supported…


Category: Competition

On January 17th the registration quiz for FSE 2011 was held. The outcome of this quiz was, that all available 30 slots were booked, with an additional…


Category: Academy

In order to give engineering students a head start in the global automotive industry FISITA offers bursaries of up to €2000. The Student Travel…


Category: Competition

All available registration slots for Formula Student Combustion and Formula Student Electric have been booked. This means 78 student-built cars for…


Category: Competition

It was brought to our attention that one of the questions in yesterday’s early registration rules quiz for FSC 2011 could be answered in multiple…


Category: General

Our dear friend Craig Dawson passed away on December 30th. After two years of fighting against cancer he succumbed. He was only 29 years of age. Our…


Category: Competition

On December 16th the registration deadlines for the 2011 FSC and FSE events were  announced:

  • FSC Early registration opens Monday January 10th, 12:00…

Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, 2010 is almost finished, cold weather has spread over Europe and hopefully we have all been good little children and Santa Claus has been kind…


Category: Academy

As promised there would be some Christmas gifts. Here is one of them:

Under the title “Fascination for bonding – Hightech solutions for extreme…


Category: Competition

As promised there would be some Christmas gifts. Here is one of them:

The complete rules for FSG 2011 are now (finally) available online. The 2011…


Dear students, volunteers, judges, sponsors, fans and everybody interested in Formula Student Germany, the organizers of FSG wish you a relaxing and…


Category: Competition

The registration websites for FSC and FSE 2011 are now available online. They contain all information you need for registering your team for FSC or…


Category: Pat´s Corner

In a recent email exchange with my fellow Chief Design Judge Steve Fox, the subject of ‘compliance’ came up. Steve wrote the following comment and it…


Category: Competition

The Formula Student Germany 2011 event will be held on Tuesday 2nd to Sunday 7th August 2011 at the Hockenheimring, Germany. There will be 78 FSC…


Category: Competition

The technical rules for FSE 2011 are now available online. They can be found under the rules section on the FSE website.

The 2011 FSE rules are a…


Category: Academy

On December 4th the FS Academy will offer a workshop focusing on engine technology. The workshop will be open for all teams planning to participate in…


Category: Academy

The yearly FSG workshop offering support and information to Formula Student teams participating in FSC and FSE will be held on the 20th of November at…


Category: General

The VDI Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik (VDI-FVT) offers in conjunction with VDI Wissensforum a limited  amount of free congress tickets to…


Category: Competition

With Formula Student Electric 2010 only a few weeks behind us, the preparations for FSE 2011 are already well under way.

In order to aid teams…


The FSG Executive Committee would like to apologize to TU Ilmenau. With 178.89 points the TU Ilmenau scored 2.94 higher than the TU Isfahan.



Category: Competition

This year at Formula Student Germany there are not one, but two winners, an FSC and an FSE champion. The winners are the DUT Racing team of the TU…


Category: Competition

Today, the first dynamic events were held at Formula Student Germany in Hockenheim. In the morning, it began with the acceleration discipline, where…


Category: Competition

Bernd Schneider, five-time winner of the DTM (Mercedes), enjoyed his stay at the Formula Student Germany event last year and is now up to another…


Category: General

On Friday, the 6th August 2010, the Formula Student World Council came together for the very first time at the Hockenheimring. Representatives of all…


Category: Competition

Today Formula Student 2010 started. At 8:30 in the morning the results of the scrutineering order quiz were published at the Ticket Centre. The lucky…


Category: Competition

In order to facilitate the registration process on Wednesday August 4th all teams competing in Formula Student Germany 2010 are kindly requested to…


Category: Competition

Since Sunday evening, the foundations for this year's Formula Student Germany are being laid at Hockenheim.
Whilst Event Control looks almost ready for…


Category: FSC Award

We at Bosch Engineering GmbH know the needs of the automotive industry and the engineering community. There is a growing demand for graduates who are…


Category: Competition

The Event Handbooks for FSC and FSE with information for all participating teams are now available as pdf file. Teams are asked to read the handbook…


Category: FSE Award Competition

The HARTING Technology Group is skilled in the fields of electrical, electronic and optical connection, transmission and networking, as well as in…


Category: General

From now on, for all teams their Formula Student achievements of years past are posted under the team's profile on this website. The data is the same…


Category: FSE Award Competition

The history of Mercedes-AMG is full of records – in terms of motor sport and high performance.
But a success story can only be written if you have a…


Category: FSE Award Competition

As a supplier of brake systems, systems and components for powertrains and chassis, instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics,…


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Partners of FSG 2025