Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Formula Student Combustion and Formula Student Electric on one website

Category: General

To end the year the websites of both Formula Student Electric and Formula Student Electric Combustion can now be found on one website:

As Formula Student Germany is an international competition, all website updates will now only be available in English. All information from both websites has now been merged into one.

Under the section "Academy", information on the framework of the event at the Hockenheim Ring can be found. This section will be updated year-round. It offers the chance to exchange knowledge through workshops, with experts and amongst teams.

The section “Formula Student Germany” contains important information about the event and includes the press and the media database with all photos and videos from the event.

Under "Formula Student Combustion" and "Formula Student Electric" all information, for example, which teams were/are, registered, the results from previous years etc… can be found.

For sponsors, teams and officials the password protected area still exists. Further information can be found after logging in.

Partners of FSG 2025