The VDI Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik (VDI-FVT) offers in conjunction with VDI Wissensforum a limited amount of free congress tickets to students.
Travel and accommodation is not included and has to be covered individually.
Applicants are asked to send their address, tel-no. and a copy of the student ID per mail to fvt(at) Confirmation of the registration will be send by VDI Wissensforum.
Fall conferences 2010:
Baden-Baden Spezial – Elektrisches Fahren machbar machen
13./14. Oktober 2010, Baden-Baden
Kongresshaus Baden-Baden/Germany
30 free student tickets, application before October 3, 2010
7. VDI-Kongress „Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe”10.-11. November 2010
Maritim Hotel & Internationales Congress Center, Dresden/Germany
10 free student tickets, application before October 4, 2010
15. VDI-Kongress „SIMVEC”
16.-17. November 2010
Kongresshaus, Baden-Baden/Germany
10 free student tickets, application before October 8, 2010
15. VDI-Kongress „Erprobung und Simulation in der Fahrzeugentwicklung“
16.-17. November 2010
Kongresshaus, Baden-Baden/Germany
10 free student tickets, application before October 8, 2010