It was brought to our attention that one of the questions in yesterday’s early registration rules quiz for FSC 2011 could be answered in multiple ways, which proved to be a disadvantage for some teams participating in the quiz. As a result the slots allocated to European teams were assigned differently than they would have been without the question. Therefore, the FSG executive committee decided to correct the quiz result, disregarding the question about the testing of the impact attenuator.
It was decided to allow both European teams that managed to get a slot with the question accounted for and all the European teams that managed to get a slot with the question disregarded. The following European teams managed to get an early registration slot:
- TU Wien (Austria)
- Helsinki Metropolia UAS (Finland)
- Moscow State Technical University - MAMI (Russia)
- Università di Pisa (Italy)
- FH Joanneum, Graz (Austria)
- Oxford Brookes University (United Kingdom)
- Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
- University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
- University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
- ETSEIB - UPC Barcelona (Spain)
All other quiz results remain unaffected. More details about the quiz result can be found in the attached PDF.
Registration will resume at 13:00 CET on the FSC site. Also, the payments will be available at 13:00 CET.
We sincerely regret the mistake and apologise for any inconvenience.
With further questions regarding the quiz or the result please mail to rules(at)