Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Impact Attenuator Testing - important note to all teams

Category: Competition

All teams please take note of the following:
Attachment of the Impact Attenuator (IA) on the middle of the anti-intrusion plate, if supported improperly, may lead to deformations of the front bulkhead, respectively deformations of the anti-intrusion plate that exceed 25mm after dynamic testing.

All teams are therefore requested to consider the "intent of the rule" for IA design, and take appropriate measure accordingly, such that a better load introduction of the IA in the frame of the car is established, respectively penetration of the front bulkhead by the anti-intrusion plate is prevented.
The support surface used in the dynamic test should be a stiff structure and mounting of the anti-intrusion plate should be as it will be on the vehicle.

Partners of FSG 2025