With FSG 2011 just three months away, we would like to point out to you some minor modifications in the team member designation procedure for FSC and FSE compared to last year.
As last year, all teams registered for FSC and FSE are required to designate their participating team members under the "My team area" on the FSC or FSE website respectively. The deadline for team member designation is June 27th, 2011 12:CEST.
New this year is the upload of the health insurance certificate (HIC) directly into the user profile of a team member. As described in the FSC and FSE rules, only team members with correct and complete information regarding their health insurance can be designated as a team member. Team member designations of user profiles with incorrect or missing data will be declined. User profiles which were declined for team member designation can be designated for an additional processing fee of 50 Euro once the health insurance data has been corrected.
Another new feature is the upload of the safety responsible qualification (SRQ) directly into the user profile of a team member. This information is required to designate a safety responsible (SR) for FSE.
News Details
Team member designation
Category: Competition
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