Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

2012 FSC and FSE Rules online

Category: Competition

The complete rules for FSG 2012 are now available online. The 2012 FSC rules can be found here, and the 2012 FSE rules can be here.

The rules govern the basis of the competition, including (naming just a few), car layout (open-wheeled, formula style), and maximum engine volume for FSC, and respectively maximum power for FSE, and a minimum safety structure. Event procedures are also defined by the rules. Do not forget registration for the competition and submission of all the required documentation. 
One of the changes this year is the number of available slots. The number of cars that can compete in the FSE competition has been increased to 32. The number of cars that can compete in the FSC competition is 78.

The FSC and FSE rules are there to assure a safe and fair competition for all participants.

With the rules also the registration dates have been fixed:

Monday 9 January, 12:00 CET until Sunday 15 January 12:00 CET:

  • Early Registration for FSC Teams (quiz)
  • Early Registration for Top 5 FSE-Teams (no quiz)

Monday 16 January 12:00 CET until Monday 27 February 12:00 CET:

  • Main Registration for FSC (quiz)
  • Main Registration for FSE (quiz)

As per last year the competition rules will be the subject of the (early) registration quiz.

Partners of FSG 2025