Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Upload deadline for the FSG 2012 programme magazine

Category: Competition

All teams that participate in FSG are requested to submit a short abstract on their car together with technical specifications and CAD renderings of the car. This information will be published in the FSG 2012 programme magazine. All FSC and FSE teams are required to have uploaded this information by June 11th 12:00 CEST via the FSG website (=> MyTeam => Events => Magazine Uploads).

All teams are kindly reminded to refrain from advertising any of their sponsors in the car’s abstract, or summing up the prizes won in the past. Additionally, all teams are requested to pay special attention to phrasing their abstract in correct English, and only CAD renderings of the car on a white background will be accepted.

Partners of FSG 2025