Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSC & FSE 2011 Registration Websites Online

Category: Competition

The registration websites for FSC and FSE 2011 are now available online. They contain all information you need for registering your team for FSC or FSE 2011. Furthermore, they contain a step by step description of the registration quiz, which was first introduced for the registration for the FSG 2010 event.

The registration website for FSC 2011 can be found <link events event-2011 registration external-link>here.
The registration website for FSE 2011 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • FSC Early registration opens Monday January 10th, 12:00 CET
    and ends on January 16th 12:00 CET
  • FSC registration opens Monday January 17th, 12:00 CET
  • FSE registration opens Monday January 24th, 12:00 CET

Please note, that registration for any of the Formula SAE/Student competitions is only possible through the website of the competition you want to register for. Via this website a team can only register for FSG 2011. To register for another Formula SAE/Student competition, a team must use the website of the respective competition and follow the instructions.

Early registration:

Note that, early registration is only available for FSC.10 registration slots are reserved for the Top Ten finishers of FSC 2010
  1. Delft TU
  2. Ann Arbor U MI
  3. Zwickau UAS
  4. Darmstadt TU
  5. Rochester IT
  6. Turin PT
  7. Munich TU
  8. Norman U OK
  9. Freiberg TU
  10. Stralsund UAS

10 registration slots are reserved for the World Ranking Top Ten teams.

  1. Ravensburg DHBW
  2. Monash U
  3. Ann Arbor U MI
  4. Rochester IT
  5. Yokohama National U
  6. Osaka U
  7. Norman U OK
  8. Darmstadt TU
  9. Maryland U
  10. Zwickau UAS

2 slots are available for the team that won the Best Newcomer Award 2010

  • Ishahan TU
  • Ilmenau TU

A total of 16 registration slots will be available for Overseas Teams and non-German, European teams before the Official Registration starts. More information on these slots can be found in the rules (<link events event-2011 rules-important-documents external-link>FSC rules, FSE rules).

Partners of FSG 2025