Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Impact Attenuator – Note to all teams

Category: Competition

There have been a lot of questions about impact attenuator (IA) design regarding acceptance at FSG. We would like to elaborate on this below:

We accept the standard impact attenuator (shown on in combination with the anti intrusion plate per material given in the FSG rules.

Any deviation in shape, dimension  or material from the Type 11 documentation would mean your attenuator would be treated as a team designed attenuator and you would  have to test the design and provide the required documentation.

Teams building a Type 11 impact attenuator (shown on must support their use of Dow Impaxx® 700 by bringing test piece of the material AND a receipt for the material to the technical inspection.  The technical inspectors may choose to verify the dimensions and the material and have the authority to conduct any measurements, inspections or tests they feel are necessary. However, teams have the burden of proof to show their foam is the required material. Examples of good documentation include a receipt from that competition year, a packing slip or letter of donation.

Please read the rules and the advice on for the requirements of IA data report.

Partners of FSG 2025