Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

Pat's Corner

Category: Pat´s Corner

A guest article by Steve Fox, Chief Design Judge, FSG. Pat’s overheated keyboard needed a little cooling down time. So until his new liquid cooled…


Category: Pat´s Corner

As the Design Reports for FSG 2010 come in, I am reviewing them with mixed feelings. Some are good, very good! And some are, well, not so good.



Category: Pat´s Corner

It has been a little while since my last column, due primarily to work pressures, but now we have FSAE Michigan out of the way, I can concentrate on…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Apologies to all for the lack of a column over the last few months. Insane work pressure has kept me away from home for 7 of the last 9 weeks.



Category: Pat´s Corner

I have never made any secret of my preference for space-frame chassis in FSG. This preference is not because of some nostalgic feeling, but for very…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Time for another column as we enter the Student Formula season, and the new Formula One season as the Brawn GP cars will start from the front row in…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, 2009 is here and we are in the count-down to FSG in August.

As Birgit has already reported, the available registrations filled up within 8…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Well, the 2008 Formula year is finished. Last weekend saw the final event of the year, FSAE-Australasia.

Stuttgart dominated FSAE-A finishing with…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Hello again.

Well, Summer vacation is over, the leaves are changing colour and the European FS season is finished. A new academic year has started…


Category: Pat´s Corner

Here it is, June already, with only one month to go until FSG.

May saw the running of FSAE in Michigan and we must congratulate the winners there.…


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