Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

Team Details

Team Crack Platoon

a.k.a Crack Platoon

UniversityRajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Social Media YouTube facebook
Car Weight-
FSC Team Crack Platoon
FSD Team Team Crack Platoon

Team Description

Team Crack Platoon, Bangladesh's 1st Formula SAE Team is formed by some automotive enthusiasts of RUET, dedicated to research, design & fabricate automotive vehicles especially racing cars to compete in Student Formula Competitions around the world.
Flash Back:
At the very beginning of our historic liberation war in 1971, the Pakistani Rulers could understand the importance of demolishing the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. As destroying the capital would be very helpful for them to destroy the whole country.
But, some youth came forward to make their plan a failure. They were known as “Crack Platoon”. Their duty was to design attacking plans for the enemy. Unfortunately, some of the members were caught by the Pakistani military and they were tortured violently but nothing could be revealed from them about the plans designed by the liberation war heroes.
Inspired by their patriotism, a group of highly enthusiastic youths felt their responsibilities to their motherland.
Finally, the day, November 9, 2015 was the day for these youth to be gathered with a view to working together for a better future.
Our Mission:
Team Crack Platoon is strongly focused on the improvement of the automobile sector in Bangladesh. Till now, there has been no self-contained automobile manufacturing company in our country. We gathered to break the silence in this challenging engineering sector. We want Bangladesh to be one of the leading car manufacturing countries of the world.
Our team:
Crack Platoon has 23 hard-working and highly skilled personalities in number. They are from different fields of engineering like Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Production Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering and so forth.
Our Achievements:
Immediately after the formation of crack platoon, we have already participated in various national and international competitions organized in home and abroad with prestigious recognitions.
1. We participated in “Student Formula” - Japan-2019 in EV Class, as a final round participant in 2019. This competition is organized by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
2. We participated in “Student Formula” - Japan-2017, as a final round participant in September, 2017. This competition is organized by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
3. "The Best Passionate Team" & proudly upholding the "6th position" of Quad Bike Design Challenge- 2016 held in Pune, India organized by Fraternity of Mechanical & Automotive Engineers (FMAE), Delhi, India.
4. We are also qualified as the second round participant of upcoming SHELL ECOMARATHON ASIA 2016, going to be held in Singapore next year.
5. Our team had been selected for the first round of Valeo Innovation Challenge 2016,France among 500 ideas from all over the world.
6. We are the Regional Champion of Youth Fest 2016, Rajshahi.
What Are We Doing in 2022:
We are now working on our formula student race car to participate in Formula Student Competitions. Also, our elite team is now working on a two wheeler smart bike.
Our Goal:
The day will be our success when Bangladesh will be no more dependent on importing automobiles rather she will export world-class automobile vehicles all over the world.
Our moral is, " they achieved our flag in 1971
Let’s wave with pride all over the world."

FS past achievements for Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

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Partners of FSG 2025