Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Workshop - 24 teams registered

Category: Academy

After the expiry for registration we are now awaiting 254 students from 24 German and Austrian teams for the first FSG Workshop. The information to be given by experts was equally a magnet for the students as the possibility to exchange experience and discuss further issues within the young FSG community. By registering more new teams were able to draw attention to themselves - students at 30 Universities in Germany are currently building race cars.

Registered Teams:

FH Amberg-Weiden
Uni Bayreuth
FHTW Berlin
TU Berlin
TU Braunschweig
TU Darmstadt
Uni Dortmund
Uni Duisburg
FH Esslingen
TU Freiberg
FH Graz
TU Graz
HAW Hamburg
TU Ilmenau
TH Karlsruhe
FH Kiel
FH München
TU München
FH Offenburg
BA Ravensburg
FH Stralsund
Uni Stuttgart
FH Ulm
FHWT Vechta-Diepholz-Oldenburg

Partners of FSG 2025