Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Update on the camping situation at the Hockenheim Ring

Category: 2017 Competition General

The FSG Team have been working together with the Hockenheim Ring and can confirm that the campsites C2, C3 and C4 have had multiple trees fall down as a result of the storm on Thursday night.

The area will be checked on Monday, but is currently considered unsafe to use as a campsite.

The Hockenheim Ring has decided to move the campsite to the C5 location (as seen on the map) and have arranged for a shuttle bus to run every 10minutes from the campsite to the ring.

In addition, each team will receive a permit for 1 car to be parked in the ‘Team Only’ car park (which has been created for this year to allow every team to have at least 1 car near the ring).

Should teams wish to park any further cars at the track, they will be able to park them in the visitor car park.

The FSG team would like to advise that you check the stretch from the Hockenheim Ring to the C5 campsite. Although the road is officially wide enough for a 40t lorry to drive down, it is very tight and narrow. If you have a less experienced lorry driver, please also consider the alternative campsites located around the area: <link fsg accommodation> 

Partners of FSG 2025