Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

The world ranking list has been updated

We have just published the updated Formula Student World Ranking Lists.

We added 889 team results (340 CV and 549 EV) from 24 worldwide competitions to the database. The competitions from China and Switzerland has been included for the first time. Here is a list of all known competitions.

Since we collect the geocoordinates of all universities, you can also view all teams of the current world ranking lists in Google Earth. The yellow ones are the electric teams, the red ones are the combustion ones. In the details for each point you will find the rank, and the links to the university and their profile on the FSG page.

All universities in the database can be searched on the following page.

Have fun browsing and analysing the lists. If you find any errors, please send an e-mail to our helpdesk. 

One last note: this year, the winners of the EV competitions that are in the WRL will get a preregistration slot for FSG2025. These teams still have to take part in the registration quiz at the end of January, but will be prioritised at the end regardless of the quiz result.

Partners of FSG 2025