Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

The first steps: Technical and Safety Inspection

Category: Competition

On Wednesday and Thursday the teams have to present their cars at the Technical and Safety Inspection.
The cars are thoroughly examined in the Scrutineering whether they have been constructed accordingly to the strict rules. Also, the Brake, Noise and Tilt Table Test have to be passed at this point. Only a complete pass allows the cars to take part in the dynamic events on the weekend.
Currently, 66 cars showed up at the Scrutineered, 44 have passed Scrutineering and 34 of them already have all 4 stickers for Scrutineering, Tilt Table, Noise and Brake Test and are now ready to race. All other teams will have another chance tomorrow.

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