The Technical Inspection Sheets are now available in the important documents sections of both FSC&FSE.
Use these documents for your own advantage and come perfectly prepared to the FSG competition by doing a test scrutineering round at your own workshop, for instance with old team members. This will not only help to minimize the time for Scrutineering, but also increase your chances to win “the best prepared car for scrutineering” award.
IMPORTANT: The largest change during scrutineering will be the requirement of an Inspection Responsible Person provided by the team.
The team has to appoint one team member (for the E-teams this has to be one of the registered ESOs), who will be responsible for the technical inspection. This team member should be familiar with the car and all the inspection points of the technical inspection sheet. He has to be able to show the scrutineers the compliance of the car with respect to all the inspection points. This team member will also assure that the car is ready for inspection. This includes that all documents, test samples and tools needed for scrutineering are available at the inspection. During inspection this team member has to perform the technical inspection autonomously on the basis of the published Inspection Sheets, observed by the scrutineers. He should be able to answer all their questions regarding scrutineering.
If this team member is not able to perform any of these requirements or the car is not ready, the technical inspection will be stopped and the team will have to go back to the pit box. A re-try for scrutineering can be done via re-scrutineering.