Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

"Team News" available on FSG website

Category: General

Teams can now also post their news on the website of the Formula Student Germany. This way readers will be informed about competition news as well as about what happens in the teams’ offices and workshops.

Teams publish their news self-responsibly. They report on important dates, trade show appearances, press reports or on relevant intermediate results or on participations in other competitions. The news will be posted in English in order to be accessible for a larger group of people. They appear on the teams’ site as well as chronologically at
Public Relations > Team News.

The teams create the news via their team area. Also one image can be added to the news. To change an image later, the news has to be deleted and recreated. The entry will not be censored, trusting in reason and decency of the reporting persons. If this fails, we will however consider censorship.

Partners of FSG 2025