Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Steering Committee discusses measures to deal with great demand

Category: General Competition

In January, 117 teams applied for the 78 starting grids – 39 of them are now on the waiting list.

We are aware of the great amount of work and passion these teams have invested in their project and that they also owe a return to their sponsors. Not to be able to take part in the event, especially if a team cannot take part in any event, endangers the team’s motivation as well as the enthusiasm of the sponsors, which, at the last consequence, endangers the team’s existence.

Already in the year 2008, when faced with the great run on registration, the Steering Committee thoroughly considered possible solutions, amended time and personal schedules, managing to augment starting grids to a risky 78 teams. This enlarged event was successful, however this number represents the end of the line that is possible.

We weren’t surprised by the great demand itself in 2009, yet by the sheer number. Our wish, to offer the 39 waiting list teams a solution has restarted our discussion and again we are looking into possible solutions for this year as well as for the long term future.

It is not possible to admit more teams to the event. This would mean to limit the number of cars participating in the endurance, thus not giving the same chances to each team. As we aim to offer a fair event to all participants such a limitation is not justifiable. Therefore we are now examining other measures to offer especially those teams, who did not manage to get a place in any event, a possibility to show their achievements. We will shortly inform you about our plans.

Not long ago, we all were students ourselves, spending our free time in cold garages, dark computer labs and on drafty test tracks. We aimed to build a racing car to take part in competitions – this was our motivation. Today, we are motivated by your same motivation to build cars and we aim to offer to you the kind of event we were always wishing for. This is the reason we try to master the sometimes difficult task to combine high levels of quality, safety, fairness, transparency and fun on the one side with a large number of participants on the other. With 425 active teams worldwide this task is not manageable for all. But we will do our best to offer the best possible event to as many as possible of you.

For this, we need your help: in case you won’t be able to finish your car in time, please cancel your participation as early as possible to open your place to another team!

FSG Steering Committee
Barbara, Birgit, Daniel, Frank, Jan, Ludwig, Peter, Rainer, Tim and Ulf

Partners of FSG 2025