Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Special Awards - apply until 11th July 2014

Category: 2014 Competition

Do not forget to apply for the Special Awards 2014! Participate in the Special Awards to increase your chances of winning a trophy during FSG 2014. The awards will be handed over during the official award ceremonies on Friday and Sunday. Give your team the chance to stand on stage and see the crowd from above. It does not matter if you are a newcomer or an established team - Special Awards are detached from the main disciplines and follow their own rules. Special Awards are the best chance to present outstanding design solutions as well as to discuss your knowledge to expert and management representatives of different companies. Apply today and create connections with your future employer. Apply today for the chance to win financial funding for your next team event.

We are proud to present the following Special Awards for 2014 in cooperation with our sponsors:

Audi Ultra Award, FSG

Application: no, selection via engineering design report
Contest: presentation and discussion @ team pit
Judging day: Saturday, Sunday by agreement

Former Winner:
RIT Rochester (FSC), 2013
TU Delft (FSE), 2010, 2012
U Erlangen (FSC), 2011
U Oregon State (FSC), 2009
TU Graz (FSC), 2007, 2008

BASF “Best Use Of Fiber Reinforced Plastic”, FSG

Application: yes
Contest: presentation and discussion @ FSG Forum
Judging day: Friday 

Former Winner:
KIT Karlsruhe (FSE), 2013
TU Delft (FSE), 2012

Bosch Engineering ”Best Power System”, FSE

Application: yes
Contest: presentation and discussion @ FSG Forum
Judging day:  Friday

Former Winner:
U Stuttgart, 2013
UAS Zwickau, 2010, 2012
TU Delft, 2011

Daimler “Best E-Drive Packaging”, FSE

Application: yes
Contest: presentation and discussion @ FSG Forum
Judging day:  Friday 

Former Winner:
UAS Zwickau, 2010, 2013
ETH Zürich, 2012
TU Delft, 2011

DEKRA “Best Prepared Car for Scrutineering”, FSC, FSE

Application: no, participation at scrutineering
Contest: professional work
Judging day:  Wednesday - Friday

Former Winner:
TH Mittelhessen (FSC), 2013
ETH Zurich (FSE), 2011, 2012, 2013
UAS Coburg (FSC), 2012
TU Berlin (FSC), 2010
UAS Saarbrücken (FSC), 2009
TU Freiberg (FSC), 2008

FSG “Sportsmanship Award”, FSG

Application: no, by nomination
Contest: fair play
Judging day:  Tuesday - Sunday

Former Winner:
TU Bialystok (FSC), 2013
KIT Karlsruhe (FSC), 2012
UAS Berlin (FSC), 2011
TU Delft (FSC), 2007, 2010
UAS Saarbrücken (FSC), 2009
UAS Amberg-Weiden (FSC), 2008
U Oxford Brooks (FSC), 2006

Harting “Most Energy Efficient Car”, FSE

Application: no, part of endurance event
Contest: energy efficient powertrain and driving
Judging day:  Sunday

Former Winner:
UAS Zwickau, 2013
TU Dresden, 2012
TU Graz    , 2011
UAS Deggendorf, 2010

Henkel “Best Use Of Adhesives”, FSG

Application: yes
Contest: presentation and discussion @ FSG Forum
Judging day:  Thursday

Former Winner:
TU Vienna (FSC), 2013
U Bayreuth (FSC), 2011
UAS Zwickau (FSE), 2009, 2010

Kautex “Most Fuel Efficient Car”, FSC

Application: no, part of endurance event
Contest: fuel efficient powertrain and driving
Judging Day: Sunday

Former Winner:
U Oregon State, 2013
ETS Montreal, 2012
UAS Wolfenbüttel , 2011
TU Delft, 2008, 2009, 2010
U Swansea, 2006, 2007

MTU “Most Innovative Powertrain”, FSC

Application: yes
Contest: presentation and discussion @ FSG Forum
Judging day: Thursday

Former Winner:
UAS Graz, 2013
U Erlangen, 2011, 2012

Partners of FSG 2025