The schedules for the special awards are online now. You can find the documents at the end of this document or on our scoring wall at the FSG forum. This year we are proud to present the following awards to the competitors of #FSG16.
- FSG - Audi Vosprung Award
- FSG - BASF “Best Use Of Fiber Reinforced Plastic”
- FSE - Daimler „Best E-Drive Packaging“
- FSC - Kautex "Fuel Efficiency Award"
- FSG - Porsche "Intelligent Performance Award"
- FSC - MTU „Most Innovative Powertrain“
- FSG - Opel Style Award
- FSG - Schaeffler "Best Systems Engineering"
- FSE - “Best Prepared Car For Scrutineering”
- FSC - “Best Prepared Car For Scrutineering”
- FSG - Sportsmanship Award