Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Review of the first Static Events

Category: Competition 2019

Besides the ongoing inspection events, the FSE as well as FSD Static Events took place on Wednesday. During the whole day experienced judges from our partners as well as judges from companies with deep contact to the fields of automative racing, software development, information technology, mechanical design, aerodynamics, etc. evaluated the design of the race cars and the connected cost & manufacturing concept. Furthermore the teams presented a business plan concept to the judges. Within the 10 minutes pitches they tried to persuade the judges in there role as investors, stakeholders, bankers or similar from the concept of the team, to bring the developed cars to the maket or collect money for the next business steps. The best teams of each Static event compete again in a final. In addition to this five teams were nominated for the FSG Business Plan Finals on Wednesday and eight teams for the Engineering Design Finals on Thursday.

Finalist Business Plan Presentation FSD & FSE

  • FSD 426 Stuttgart U
  • FSE 19 Karlsruhe KIT
  • FSE 27 Mumbai Somaiya
  • FSE 59 Dresden TU
  • FSE 99 Aachen RWTH

The finals took place on Wednesday afternoon. The recorded live stream is available as live on tape video on our FSG TV channel


Finalist Engineering Design FSD

  • FSD 419 Karlsruhe KIT
  • FSD 431 München TU
  • FSD 433 Zürich ETH
  • FSD 485 Delft TU

Finalist Engineering Design FSE

  • FSE 19 Karlsruhe KIT
  • FSE 26 Stuttgart U
  • FSE 33 Zürich ETH
  • FSE 63 Trondheim

The Engineering Design Finals of both classes will take place on Thursday evening.

The FSC Business Plan Presentation, Cost & Manufacuring as well as the Engineering Design Events are on Thursday and Friday.

Partners of FSG 2025