Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Resumé of Day 3

Category: Competition 2017 General

Day 3 of Formula Student Germany and the teams are working hard to get their cars through the tough scrutineering in order to be able to compete in the dynamic events.

A couple of driverless teams (2) have made it through and we have been able to see them out on the practice track, testing the autonomous modes of their car.

The Combustion and Electric scrutineering is also ongoing, so far 4 combustion cars have made it through scrutineering and we expect to see them out on the practice track for Combustion/Electric when it opens tomorrow. 29 teams have managed to gain at least 1 sticker and we expect to see this progress dramatically tomorrow. 

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