You should answer the questions as quickly as possible, but the questions will be available at the earliest at the following times.
Question Time [hh:mm:ss]
1 13:00:00 CET
2 13:05:00 CET
3 13:10:00 CET
4 13:15:00 CET
5 13:20:00 CET
6 13:25:00 CET
7 13:30:00 CET
8 13:35:00 CET
9 13:40:00 CET
10 13:45:00 CET
11 13:50:00 CET
12 13:55:00 CET
13 14:00:00 CET
14 14:05:00 CET
15 14:10:00 CET
16 14:15:00 CET
17 14:20:00 CET
18 14:25:00 CET
19 14:30:00 CET
20 14:35:00 CET
For example, if you need 30 seconds to submit the first question (at 13:00:30), then you must wait 4 minutes and 30 seconds to be able to see question 2 (at 13:05:00) after a page reload. Of course, the forced waiting period of 04:30 mm:ss does not count towards the quiz registration time. The quiz registration time progresses automatically as soon as the new question is available (at 13:05:00). Please note, the next question does not appear automatically. You must reload the page by yourself at 13:05:00 in this example.
With this update, we try to limit possible fraud and create equal, fair conditions for all teams.
During the quiz (13:00 till 18:00 CET) questions and answers may not be shared with third parties. This also applies to teams within the same university. Violations can lead to disqualification of the teams involved.