Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Presentation Event

Category: Competition

As promised earlier we want to give some last advice for the presentation event. As for all parts of the competition it is necessary to read the rules. Competitors are to make a presentation to upper level executives of an imaginary manufacturer. The presentation should tie together all factors that would influence the marketability and manufacturability of their design. The technical aspects of the vehicle design should be presented to reinforce or support performance claims but should be reduced to the maximum necessary for an investment decision.  The competitors should show an understanding of the marketplace and the targeted customer, and show how their design fits into its expected market and is completed to a business model.  Competitors must convince the judges that their prototype and the related concept represent a profitable enterprise for the manufacturer and simply an attractive investment.

Presentation finals

The presentation event will be held the first time ever in a two step approach. The First round will be relevant for all teams and the finals will be held for the Top 4 finalists at the evening of Friday 4th August. These public finals will take place in the FSG forum and all teams will be invited to this event. All judges together will afterwards decide and explain about the winner.  


The event language is English. No other language will be accepted at all. Please note that the English you use has to be understood by the judges. The scores for language will reflect if the presenters were able to transport their message to the judges.

Partners of FSG 2025