News Details

18 August 2008 07:19

Picture Gallery is online

Category: Competition, General
By: Birgit Pattberg

We engaged some photographers to save the impressions of FSG 2008 in pictures: Bernd Hanselmann, Frank Bramkamp, Ingo Reichmann, Kimmo Hirvonen, Bärbel Systermann, Klaus Bergmann, Johannes Rieke and Bastian Schäfer together took 20,061 photos (99,6 GB). We had a look at all these pictures and made a consumable selection of 3.238 pictures. This selection can be found in the gallery which is online now. The photos are sorted by day and for weekend additionally by time. Have a look to the FSG2008 schedule for orientation.

You can use the pictures freely for your Formula Student purposes. The source has to be indicated as "Formula Student Germany" or short "FSG" and the name of the photographer (it is contained in the file name of each photo).

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