Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

New Year – New Challenges

Category: General

Dear sponsors, judges, team members, officials and friends!

It is this time of the year again. An exciting and busy 2015 comes to an end. We wish you all a very merry and also relaxing Christmas break and a healthy and happy start into the New Year 2016.

No doubt it will bring many challenges and excitements, the first being the coming registration for Formula Student Germany 2016, among other events. Another project we are all looking forward to is the new FSG Special Award for driverless concepts. The concepts should contain realizable suggestions on how to integrate driverless cars into FSG or how to expand the competition towards driverless Formula Student cars. Please watch this space for further information on it.

The entire FSG team would like to thank everybody involved for your individual contribution to Formula Student Germany! It is your work and commitment that make everything possible. We all carry an equal share of making FS(G) what it is. Thank you very much.

All the best for you and your loved ones,

Tim Hannig
for the Formula Student Germany team

Partners of FSG 2025