Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

New registration procedure successful

Category: Competition

All available places for the 2010 Formula Student Germany (FSG) event have been booked. 40 German and 38 international teams from 21 nations and 5 different continents have successfully registered for the 2010 FSG starting grids. An additional 43 teams are on the waiting list and will fill in empty slots in the case any of the registered teams withdraws.
Altogether 121 teams applied for participation at FSG 2010. As organization we are especially proud to see so many North American and also one Australian team applying for the event in Germany.

As a major change with respect to previous years the 2010 registration procedure was linked to a quiz about the rules of Formula Student Germany. Only after answering all online questions correctly, teams were able to register. The quickest team answered all questions correctly in just over two (2) minutes;  whereas the 78th Team took almost 10 minutes; teams on the waiting list took even longer than this. By using a separate registration server and limiting access to 3 team captains per team we provided all teams with equally good conditions. We are very happy to have created a transparent as well as fair registration procedure rather than using a lottery system.

We certainly feel sorry for all teams that potentially will not be able to participate. Due to the space, personnel and time needed for the Formula Student Electric (FSE) we cannot increase the number of starting grids for cars with an internal combustion engine. But we would like to ask all teams on the waiting list to follow all upload deadlines anyhow, as experience shows that several successfully registered teams will withdraw prior to the event.
We are overwhelmed by the huge interest in our event and proud to be hosting that many nations and teams. We are looking forward to seeing you in Hockenheim in August.

Partners of FSG 2025