After many high quality 2013 Media Award submissions, it was Global Formula Racing who received the 2013 Media Award for their excellent Submission.
For the 2014 Media Award, the theme is: FSG 2014 emotion in motion. Create a Video on how YOU would like to remember FSG 2014. Have fun! Be Safe!
The winner of the Media Award 2014 will get up to 10 free places at the FSG Workshop on the 18th of October at Continental AG in Hannover.
Please upload your videos via the FSG website (=> my team => deadlines) by 18th of August, 2014, 12:00 CEST. Videos submitted after that date cannot be reviewed.
Uploaded videos must be in full HD (1080p) and may be no longer than 3 minutes in length. Please use fee-free music so that you and FSG can publish the video on the FSG website.