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15 August 2024 10:18

Inspections, Presentations, and Nonstop Action! FSG 2024 - Wednesday Recap

Category: Competition, 2024

The temperature soared, but so did the action as teams blazed through technical inspections today.

Wednesday also marked the start of the Business Plan Presentations, offering an inside look at the strategic thinking behind these incredible FS vehicles. Meanwhile, the Engineering Design and Cost & Manufacturing Events began, with teams showcasing their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Congratulations to Karlsruhe KIT, Trondheim NTNU and Aachen RWTH for making it to the Engineering Design Finals!

Tune in today as we shift to the Dynamic Events and Statics. Don’t miss the high-speed, high-tech action on site and via livestream —follow our website and social media for all the latest updates!


©FSG Haindl, Maru

Partners of FSG 2024