VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure/Association of German Engineers) has been co-founding, supporting and sponsoring Formula Student Germany since its very first year. German participants join VDI to take part in the competition.
As in the last two years, VDI membership for those who participate as members in German teams will be free of charge for the whole of 2015.
Team Captains will provide lists of their team members giving VDI membership details. Those participants who have already paid their 2015 membership fee (28 €/year for student members) will be granted a credit (meaning that their payment will be deducted from next year’s fee). Those who are in the process of joining VDI will not receive an invoice. VDI will attend the Hockenheim event as a sponsor and will be happy to greet their new members, as well as all participants from abroad and overseas, to explain our work and the numerous benefits of VDI membership. We are also preparing activities that might interest you if you have time to spare or kill during the event, so just come over for a chat.
Counting round about 154.000 members, VDI is one of the largest associations of engineers and natural scientists in the world, founded in 1856. Its volunteer experts from all fields of engineering constitute a network that fosters standardization, exchange of knowledge, and thus technical progress for the benefit of all engineers and ultimately, society as a whole.
We also promote the image of the engineering profession within society and try to attract youngsters towards studying engineering – which many see, and for no good reason, as a less sexy pursuit than for instance law or economics. That is why we are so proud to be a part in Formula Student Germany. All you enthusiastic team members out there – well done to you, keep it up and spread the word! Engineering rocks!
Membership in VDI is personal and of course, available to every engineer, natural scientist and student of these subjects worldwide. However, VDI wishes to point out that to get the full benefits of membership you require at least very good passive notions of the German language, since most of our material is in German only.