Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Hall of Fame on Hockenheimring - 10 Years Formula Student Germany

Category: General

Visit our own Hall of Fame and experience the amazing development of the student cars and their innovations over the last 10 years. 12 of 15 winning cars are on display in the new recreation area opposite the pits.

10 Years ago, in 2005, Formula Student Germany started with the first pre-event with 11 cars and 8 teams. The first event on the Hockenheimring in 2006 already saw 40 teams and cars from all over the world. Today we have 72 combustions teams from 18 nations, 39 electric teams from 15 nations, 3800 participants and 600 visitors. Get a sneak preview here.




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