Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Give your feedback to improve Formula Student Germany

Category: Competition 2013

Help us to improve Formula Student Germany!

As every year, we ask all participants to suggest improvements and changes.
Feedback forms are available in Event Control, FSG Forum and Press Office.
Please hand in your feedback in Event control in the feedback box on the counter.

Last years’ top ten feedback were addressed in this year event organization:

  1. Camp ground       
  2. E-Tent temperature
  3. E-Tent electrics
  4. Catering/Kebab quality       
  5. Scrutineering
  6. Energy Efficiency rules
  7. Award Ceremony
  8. Medical treatments
  9. Wristbands
  10. English quality at briefings


Partners of FSG 2025