Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSG2018 Pre-inspection Procedure + Driver Egress Test

Category: 2018 Competition

Pre-Inspection as a part of the Technical Inspection will be carried out in a tent in the area directly in front of Dynamic Gate g2. The Pre-Inspection will follow the "first come first serve" principle and is available during the normal Technical Inspection times given in the main event schedule.

It is not needed to finish the pre-inspection before Accumulator-, Driverless-, Electrical- or Mechanical Inspection. At latest you must pass pre-inpection before doing the noise and brake test.

During pre-inspection the driver equipment, the fire extinguisher and the set of tires & rims will be checked.

Please do NOT bring your car to pre-inspection.

The Driver Egress Test for all drivers will be carried out in the team's pit according to the individual time schedule which every team member will find on the my-account page. Driver egress for the tallest driver will be done at brake test. Without driver egress no driver is allowed to attend testing or any dynamic event.

Partners of FSG 2025