Hello everybody,
the rules for FSC 2015 and FSE 2015 are now online.
In the last 12 months we had more than 1200 requests related to the rules of FSC and FSE. Because of the high workload behind that we created a special tool which helps you and us to simplify your requests for any questions belonging the rules 2015.
In the form of an Issue-Tracking-System the members of registered teams can make an inquiry and it will be sent directly to the expert of the subject in question.
<link fsg rules-faq>www.formulastudent.de/fsg/rules-faq/
If relevant for other teams and also to minimize the workload, we try to bundle the requests as frequently asked questions and provide the answers to all participants.
This tool will let you and us communicate easier and faster and ensures that no request will remain unanswered.
We’d like to invite you to use the tool and give us feedback and improvement suggestions by mail to rules-tool(at)formulastudent.de.