Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSG increases importance of fuel efficiency

Category: General

From 2009 onwards, the fuel consumption will be increased from a maximum of 50 points to a maximum of 100 points in the overall rating. As a result, it will then represent 10% of all achievable points. The overall distribution of points, with 32,5 % in the static and 67,5% in the dynamics, remains the same.

Additionally, not only the consumption will be taken into the judgement, it will also be connected to the cars driving performance. That way, real fuel efficiency will be evaluated.

In future, already in the concept phase, the teams will have to put more emphasis on energy efficiency to have a chance in the competition. Our goal is to strengthen the students’ awareness of sustainability. That way, they will be even better prepared for key aspects of their future career.

Details to the rule adaptation will be published with all others end of October.
The adaptation has been announced at the Reception for Faculty Advisor, Team Captains and Judges at the FSG 2008.

Partners of FSG 2025