Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSG & FSE Introduce Twitter for short messages to teams

Category: General

Formula Student Germany and Formula Student Electric introduce a Twitter for short messages of practical nature. With this new online tool, the FSG Executive Committee aims to even better inform participating teams, as well as everyone interested, about upcoming deadlines, minor rule changes, and the like. Not withstanding, all relevant information concerning event participation will certainly also be posted on the respective websites.

Twitter offers a new communication channel for short messages also known as tweets. As a registered follower of a Twitter one directly receives the latest tweets of this Twitter as soon as they are posted. This makes Twitter a very effective medium for direct and fast communication.

The FSG Executive Committee invites all teams to register as follower for the FomulaStudentG Twitter, so we can keep you informed even better. In order to do so, please click here.

Partners of FSG 2025