10 years ago, new cost rules have been developed. These rules gave the Cost Event a complete new shape and made it to a major part of the competition.
In 2008 the Formula SAE® Series and Formula Student Germany decided to adjust the cost rules. The resulting new Cost Event is a tribute to the fast growing number of teams and competitions all over the world. Using the internet, the teams will employ a powerful tool to calculate the production costs and to control their project budget. The database will use costing standards. These standards will give all teams the same price tables and minimize regional cost differences.
The introduction of the database was planned for the 2009 events. Unfortunately the development of the database has some delay. At the moment the beta version is still under testing.
Below you can find a summary of the expectations and requirements for the Cost Event for Formula Student Germany 2009. These may differ in some ways from previously published information because of the ongoing changes and developments concerning rules and software.
Hard copy reports are required. The written Cost Report must arrive no later than June 12, 2009. This is the original deadline published in the Formula Student Germany Rules. Electronic data submission using the Cost Event Application (Microsoft Access Application) is not allowed.
All teams are required to submit the Cost Report, hard copy and mandatory spreadsheet, to
Mr. Daniel Mazur
Formula Student Germany
Jasperallee 86
38102 Braunschweig
The required Excel spreadsheet called 2009_FSAE_eBOM.xls is available for download on www.fsaeonline.com. It should be included on the CD mailed with the report.
The mailed Cost Report...
- must use the official cost tables (posted on www.fsaeonline.com) for all costs.
- No receipts are required, and none are allowed.
- All materials, processes, fasteners and tooling have to be taken from the Cost Tables. Items that are not in the tables will need an Add Item Request submitted immediately and will need to be included in the Addendum with the applicable cost penalty.
- must follow all rules, especially 3.8 “Cost Report".
- must have listed the University name, Competition(s) Name(s) and Car number(s) for each event on the cover (as per 3.8).
- must contain a summary listing the costs of each of the eight systems including break down of materials, processes, fasteners and tooling with totals for each system.
- must contain one (or more) pages for each assembly including assembly number, the parts of the assembly and the materials, processes, fasteners and tooling making up the assembly.
- must contain one (or more) pages for each part including part number and the materials, processes, fasteners and tooling making up the part.
- The format for the report can use the Excel templates posted on the website (www.fsaeonline.com) or any other logical and appropriate format the team deems appropriate for conveying the required information.
- must include the filled out spreadsheet on CD.
- Additional documentation should comprise sufficient information to convey the engineering design and manufacturing processes to support the costing information included in the report. This can include but is not limited to:
- engineering drawings for parts and assemblies
- assembly explosion diagrams
- pictures of the actual parts
- documentation proving process methods (such as casting)
- manufacturer’s information (such as website print outs) that provides information on purchased parts that teams are required or are optionally costing as made parts