Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSD & FSE Design Finals (THU, 19:15 - 21:45)

Category: Competition 2018

On Wednesday the #FSG18 Engineering Design Event for FSE and FSD teams took place. 132 judges from different companies with a lot of experience in different special fields of vehicle design evaluated the teams. After a long judging day the different judging groups put the results together, matched the score sheets and debated about the presented design solutions and associated technical explanations. At the end of the debriefing, after a long discussion, the judges selected three FSD teams and five FSE teams to present their technical concept and design philosophy again to all judges in the FSG Design Finals. Within the FSG Design Finals the amount of team members is limited and all judges get the chance to see each team. This year the following teams are invited to take part in the FSG Design Finals. Congratulations to all of you.

 FSD Design Finalists are:

  • 418 Karlsruhe KIT
  • 431 München TU
  • 433 Zürich ETH

 FSE Design Finalists are:

  • 18 Karlsruhe KIT
  • 31 München TU
  • 33 Zürich ETH
  • 63 Trondheim NTNU
  • 85 Delft TU


Background Information

FSD Design Finals will take place in the FSG Recreation Tent from 19:15 - 21:45.
Max. 15 team members per team and no substitutions.

FSE Design Finals will take place in the FSG Forum 19:15 - 21:45.
Max. 10 team members per team and no substitutions.

Set up starts 30 minutes before judging.

FSG Design finals are not public.

Partners of FSG 2025