Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

FSC, FSD, FSE Award “Best Prepared Car for Scrutineering”

Category: Competition FSC Award FSE Award 2017 FSD Award

Would you like to be the first team in the scrutineering order of the FSG 2018? If your answer is yes you should read the following announcement for the “Best prepared car for scrutineering” award carefully.

As you know scrutineering is an important part of the Formula Student events. It guarantees all participating cars are safe and rules conform. In the first step of scrutineering all your submitted documents will be reviewed by the scrutineers prior to the event. During the event, the men and women in the green shirts will inspect your car based on these documents and according to the criteria specified within the rules. To keep this procedure as short as possible to let you out on the track, we all need to cooperate as one team. In addition to this we award a trophy for the best prepared teams of each class. Now it is up to your team to follow this simple recipe to meet the criteria of the award:
prepare your documents in an adequate manner and upload all of them in time

  • design your car rules conform
  • have all your required equipment available during scrutineering
  • bring design samples of your car for explanation to the scrutineering
  • do a pre-scrutineering with your alumni

In addition to this, we will rank the teams based on the following criteria:

  • upload of required documents not later than the specified deadlines described within FSG Rules
  • content and style of documents is engineering-like and requires no extraordinary rework
  • all required documents and equipment is available during scrutineering
  • mechanical scrutineering and electrical scrutineering will be passed during the first scrutineering attempt
  • rain-, tilt-, noise-, and brake test  must be passed at the first attempt

Fine Print…

First place in scrutineering does not automatically guarantee a registration slot. Winners of the award must also perform the normal registration process for the event. If the winning-team of the award is not registered for FSG 2018 there will be no substitution.

We are looking forward to see you and your well prepared car for scrutineering in Hockenheim.

By the way, there is one trophy for each class and all three teams will be on the stage during the first award ceremony on Saturday.

Sincerely yours,
The Scrutineers

Partners of FSG 2025