News Details

08 February 2016 21:53

FS Driverless Concept Award - Deadline and Prize Announcement

Category: Formula Student Driverless, FSG Award, Competition

As you have already heard, Formula Student Germany grants a special award for driverless competition concepts for the 2016 event.

The winners will be awarded with prizes of 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 Euros - isn't it a handy sum to add to the team budget?!

The deadline for participation (by handing in a first short description of your ideas) is already on 7th March 2016, so get started to be part of Formula Student's future!

For more information also see and find interesting information-sheets that introduce the new Formula Student Driverless below this article.

Any questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact us: driverless(at)

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