Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

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Formula Student Germany and Formula Student Electric introduce registration quiz

Category: Competition

Registration for the 2010 FSG and FSE events will be preceded by a registration quiz, testing the teams’ knowledge about the competition rules. This new registration feature is without precedent at any of the other FSAE or Formula Student competitions.

Last year, within eight seconds after opening registration, the 2009 FSG event was fully booked. This remarkable feat prompted the FSG organisation to reconsider the registration procedure. The chance of successful registration for Formula Student Germany or Formula Student Electric should reflect the team’s degree of preparation for the event, rather than the speed of its internet connection.
This reasoning led to the idea of a quiz preceding the actual registration. Only after answering all quiz questions correctly, a team may proceed to register for one of the two events. Depending on the event a team aims to register for, questions will concern either the 2010 FSG and FSAE rules or the 2010 FSE rules. Additionally, the FSE registration quiz will test on basic knowledge of electrical engineering.
Teams that do not pass the quiz on their first attempt are allowed to resubmit their corrected quiz form an indefinite number of times. However the frequency of resubmission is limited to not more than once every three seconds. More detailed information can be found on the respective registration websites:

A test quiz for both FSG and FSE is available under which can be used to get a feel for registration quiz, as well as to check whether your internet browser is configured correctly.

On January 6th 2010 early registration of the FSG 2010 event will open, shortly followed by the regular FSG 2010 registration on January 11th. Registration for the 2010 FSE event will open on January 8th 2010.

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