Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

First Formula Student Event in Russia supported by FSG members

Category: General

Ulf, Pat & Ludwig in Moscow on the Red Square

In the time of September the 4th to September the 7th, the first Formula Student event Russia will take place on the ADM Raceway in Miachkovo village near Moscow. The event is organized by the Committee Formula Student Russia (FSR) set up by the Department of Science, Industrial policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow and mainly consists of former members of the first Russian Formula Student team MADI that took part several times on the FS event in Germany.

Namely the former MADI faculty advisor Sergey Safronenkov, who brought Formula Student from UK to Russia, Vladimir Timonin who was MAMI´s faculty advisor for several years and former team captain Larisa Feofanova are heads of FSR 2014. 

The milestone for this upcoming event was already set in 2007 when Sergey Safronenkov first asked for advice by Pat Clark to found a Formula Student event in Russia. In the following years, Formula Student became more and more popular in Russia, so today there are seven teams competing in FS.

During the international come together of representatives of different already existing and upcoming FS events from all over the world in Hockenheim last year, “a representative of the government of Moscow was impressed by the event and set the starting shot for FS Russia 2014,“ Ludwig Vollrath, former vice-president of the FISITA and board member of the FSG tells.

Ludwig Vollrath, Ulf Steinfurth and Pat Clark at the FS Russia conference near Moscow. © FS Russia

In December 2013, the Russian organization group made it and invited Ludwig Vollrath, Ulf Steinfurth and Pat Clark as members of the Board and Judgment of Formula Student Germany and Formula Student Australia to take part on their international conference “Formula Student in Russia: development prospects”. In the past, FSG already offered their expertise and equipment to several other events like Formula Student Austria, Italy, Spain and China. So the three FSG troupers had a nice welcome in Moscow. 

Within two days, representatives of the Russian teams  MADI, MAMI, RUDN, Bauman MSTU, NNTU, USURT, the government representatives, members of the Russian Automobile Federation, rectors, experts of the International Formula SAE, heads of leading Russian auto-racing teams  like Marussia and leading Formula Student teams of Germany, Estonia and Ukraine, as well as the FSG board members came together for workshops and podium discussions. The aim of this kickoff meeting situated in the capital congress-center of technopolis "Moscow" was to set the marges of Formula Student Russia. 

Ludwig giving a talk about Formula Student Germany. © FS Russia

The job of the FS representatives was quite clear to Pat Clark: ”They invited Ulf, Ludwig and me as they can see FSG is the pre-eminent event in the world and asked for our help. I think we were only too willing to give it and I am looking forward to Moscow in September.”

”We will be kind of obstreticians to FSR” Ludwig Vollrath adds.

Pat presenting the structure of Formula Student. © FS Russia

For that reason, longterm FSG judge and FS backbone Pat gave some insights into Formula Student as an educational competition and a technical presentation to the students on how a formula student racecar is designed and built. He is now named Chief Design Judge and Technical Advisor to the FSR event 2014. 


Ulf with students of team MADI electric. © Pat Clark

Meanwhile, Ulf Steinfurth - head of the technical committee, chief revisor of FSG and contactsperson to the experts´enterprize for safety issues DEKRA - especially focused on the safety and technical inspections in FS events within his talk. According to Pat´s information, Pat and Ulf will organize experienced scrutineers and judges for the first Russian event and teach the organization committee on how to coordinate an FS event.

The three FSG representatives agree with each other that the FSR kickoff meeting was professionally organized, successful and with a significant budget. 

The registration fee for this first Russian FS event in 2014 is free. So, if your team wants to take part have a look on the FSR homepage for more information:!home/cg6

Finally, FS Russia is looking for volunteers. So if you want to join this kickoff event as a supporter, please contact: larisa(at)

Formula Student Russia will be happy to welcome you on their first event on the ADM Raceway.

FSG wishes FS Russia good luck in September!

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