For the 2nd year - at FSG19, Siemens Software is sponsoring the “FSG Siemens Digital Twin Engineering Excellence Award”, a 7.500 EUR award to recognize three teams which have used the most professional, innovative and thoughtful ‘Digital Twin’ engineering practices. We are pleased to announce the following finalist.
Finalists "Siemens Digital Twin Engineering Excellence Award 2019"
- FSC Milano PT – Car 208
- FSC Corvallis OSU – Car 204
- FSC Karlsruhe KIT – Car 222
- FSE Zürich ETH – Car 33
- FSE Stuttgart U – Car 26
The Judging for the Siemens Special Award will be scheduled by Siemens with the teams separately on site.
Therefore, Siemens will come to the pits of the chosen teams and will schedule an appointment which fits with you. Judging will be held in your own pits then.
Good luck and may you do well!