Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Daimler Special Award "Best E-Drive Packaging" 2016

Category: General Competition

Nine teams have competed in the finals for the special award "Best E-Drive Packaging", sponsored by Daimler. 

And the winner is TU Delft (Car 1). The second place goes to the team of ETH Zürich (Car 33), the third to Uni Stuttgart (Car 26). 

UAS Zwickau (Car 96), RWTH Aachen (Car 99), UAS Deggendorf (Car 44), NTNU Trondheim (Car 63), TU Darmstadt (Car 18), OTH Amberg (Car 23) were the other competing finalists.

Each year electric Formula Student cars can compete in this challenge. Each team submits their solution of integrating the electric power train in their vehicle. Furthermore, they present how they took performance aspects like range, recharging time and handling into account for the optimization of the package as a whole.

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