Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Daimler Driverless AI Award 2019

Category: 2019 Competition Awards 2019

Daimler has a vision of a future with fewer traffic accidents and less stress. We are working to achieve this vision through automation, electrification and connectivity. Automation is one of the biggest drivers of change in the transportation sector. Tremendous progress has been made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for automated driving systems. This technology substantially improved perception capabilities and is now an integral part of our sensing and perception systems.

Our special award this year focuses on AI innovations within your overall system and development process. How do innovative machine learning concepts and their implementations drive your overall vehicle performance? How does artificial intelligence help you to build a better car? What makes your car intelligent in understanding and acting within its environment?

Please focus on the following criteria:

  • Overall process for selecting, designing, and implementing AI / machine learning technology in view of improving the competitiveness of your vehicle
  • Innovation in your machine learning technology and tooling within your system modules and design process
  • Data strategy, data management, data annotation, virtual data, etc.
  • Training, validation, and testing strategy and the underlying software processes

Examples might include:

  • Novel machine learning concepts used for sensor-based traffic cone detection and map learning
  • Reinforcement learning for optimal vehicle control
  • Innovative sensor simulation tools to generate virtual sensor data for training your machine learning models

Ideally you can back up your presentation by empirical proof of the actual value(s) achieved for one or more performance parameters. Show us what makes your team and your innovation outstanding!

Your Prize

15 members each of the Top 3 award winning teams are invited to our Daimler AI Day – a fun, innovative and creative event packed with a deep-dive AI workshop featured by our Daimler experts and YOUR ideas. In addition, there’s plenty of room for exchanging insights and thoughts on taking on the future challenges of Autonomous Driving. The Top 3 get sponsored with 1.500€ for 1st place, 1.000 € for 2nd place, and 500 € for the 3rd place. The workshop will take place in Stuttgart, Germany in October/November. The final date will be determined in collaboration with the teams and Daimler.

Your Application

The “Daimler Driverless AI Award 2019” is open to all teams participating in Formula Student Driverless worldwide: teams on the waiting and withdrawn lists as well. Your team can apply for the award by submitting an abstract (max. 3 pages), which elaborates on your AI innovations. The abstract should be in PDF format and should not exceed 10MB.

The Judging

All nominated teams will present their contributions in the Special Award Judging Pit located in the FSG Forum. Each team has a 30-minute time slot for judging. Teams are advised to prepare suitable documentation and presentation media. Please upload your team’s abstract via the FSG website (=> MyTeam => Competitions => Deadlines) by June 30th 2019 23:59 CEST latest. We will announce the nominated teams by July 25th 2019.

We are looking forward to discussing your AI innovations and wish you the best of luck!


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