Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Daimler Best E-Drive Packaging Award 2016: Apply now!

Category: Competition 2016 FSE Award

The future has begun: Numerous electric and fuel cell test vehicles have proven their worth in field trials. We have demonstrated the technical feasibility of electromobility, the production of highly diverse vehicles is now under way. However, there are still a number of challenges which will prevent electric automobiles from being a familiar sight on the roads in the near future.

That is why it’s your turn now. Take part in the “Daimler Best E-Drive Packaging” challenge and tell us your ideas!

The Task
Inspire us with innovative solutions. How do you best integrate the electric power train in your vehicle? How did you take performance figures like range, recharging time and handling into account to optimize the package as a whole? What solution are you proud of? What makes your team outstanding?

Please focus on the following criteria:

  • Choice of components optimized for packaging, weight and volume, where the judgement depends on the coherence of the overall design.
  • Optimal positioning of the separate components (e.g. motor, motor controller, accumulator and wiring), regarding the car’s handling properties, endurance, component temperature requirements and cost.
  • Ease of assembly and serviceability of components at their chosen locations.
  • Application of innovative ideas which improve basic requirements (e.g. range) as well as user friendliness  (e.g. HMI, connectivity)

Ideally you can back up your presentation by physical proof of the actual value(s) achieved for one or more performance parameters.

Show us what makes your team and your innovation outstanding!

Your Prize
The award for the best team is a 1,500 euro cheque. Second and third place will receive 1,000 and 500 euros in prize money respectively!

Your Application
The Daimler Best E-Drive Packaging Award is open to all teams participating in Formula Student Electric. Your team can apply for the award by submitting an abstract (max. 3 pages), which elaborates on the main features of your e-drive packaging concept. The abstract should be a PDF and should not exceed 10MB.

The Judging
Judging will take place on 12th August 2016. All nominated teams will be invited to present their e-drive packaging in the Special Award Judging Pit located in the FSG Forum. Each team has a 30-minute time slot for judging. Teams are advised to describe their e-drive packaging concept using suitable documentation and presentation media.

Please upload your team’s abstract via the FSE website (=> MyTeam => Events => Deadlines) by July 29th, 2016, 23:59 CEST, the latest.

We are looking forward to your e-drive packaging concept and wish you the best of luck!


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