This year's Formula Student Germany Champion 2008 is the Technical University of Delft! The team from the Netherlands put the Technical University of Braunschweig and the Technical University of Graz on second and third place. This year, 77 teams and altogether 1800 students took part in the FSG. An additional 4000 guests and spectators visited the five day event.
During the second part of the Awards Ceremony on Sunday evening (the first part took place on Friday) the last prizes were awarded to several successful teams:
The Technical University of Delft won the Endurance with an excellent time of 23 minutes and 48 seconds for 22 kilometers. The Most Fuel Efficient Car Award powered by Kautex also went to Technical University of Delft. 1st place Overall Dynamic Events presented by the VDI was gained by Technical University of Delft as well.
The results of the Engineering Design Event, whose finals took place on Saturday, were also announced at the Awards Ceremony. Winner is the Technical University of Braunschweig. The Cost Analysis Event was won by the Polytechnic University of Turin.
The Formula Student Germany Academy awarded the prize for the Best Newcomer to the University of Applied Sciences of Kempten.
FSG sponsors awarded special prizes: The awards for the Most Innovative Powertrain powered by BMW Group went to the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz, the award for the Best Lightweight Concept powered by AUDI AG went to the Technical University of Graz, and the award for the Best Dynamometer Performance powered by Bosch Engineering went to the Technical University of Darmstadt.
Also the prizes for the winners of Acceleration, Skid Pad and Autocross were awarded - the results were already published on Saturday.
Again, one of the teams distinguished itself with particular team spirit, fairness and friendship towards other teams. They not only concentrated on their personal success, but worked hard also for everybody else’s. To give a special thank to this team, the Formula Student Germany Sportsmanship Award, presented by the FSG Steering Committee, this years goes to the University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden.
We congratulate all teams to the successful event and thank all sponsors and helpers for their support. We are looking forward to FSG 2009!