Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Check your team member designation: deadline is coming this friday!

Category: Competition

Dear teams,

FSG 2015 is coming soon and a lot of team members are already registered. But keep in mind that the deadline for your team member designation as participant is set to this week´s Friday, the 19th of June. Afterwards, you can still register your teammates till the beginning of the event and in Hockenheim, but the late registration fee will then be set to 50€/person.

All team captains have to make sure that each participant signs a copy of our standard terms, each on a separate sheet. You can find this document in the rules section. Please bring all signed documents to the team registration in Hockenheim.

To all those teams on the waiting list:
As we do not want to take payment in advance from the teams on the waiting list, you may not buy additional places at the moment. Therefore please make sure that all team members, who would potentially like to take part within FSG 2015, have entered all required information like HIC, emergency contact person, address, membership, etc. You may check the missing fields in your team area on the event settings page. Please be aware that each team member whose registration data is not complete till the end of this deadline is treated as lately registered.

We are looking forward to welcome you on Formula Student Germany 2015! See you soon.

Partners of FSG 2025