Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

BASF Best Use of 3D Printing Award 2019

Category: FSG Award Awards 2019

The Motivation

Individually shaped objects can be created in layers from various materials, for example plastic, metal and ceramics. The industry has been using the 3D printing process, also known as Additive Manufacturing, for about 3 decades to produce models, samples and prototypes rapidly and cost effectively. In recent years, 3D printing technology has developed further and numerous sectors are already beyond exploring opportunities and start using it for serial application.

However, new “additive thinking” and engineering skill sets are required to bring the full power of 3D printing on the road. With the BASF Best Use of 3D Printing Award we want to appreciate and distinguish innovative approaches that enable next leaps in car component performances, their development and production processes.

BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH is on the forefront of creating integrated solutions for Additive Manufacturing. We develop new materials, optimize designs and simulate component properties, provide recommendations for the best material use and the printing method for the respective application, and we fabricate items to make sure the solutions qualify for the demanding industrial standards

The Task

The automotive industry is maturing 3D printing more and more for functional components and small-scale series production. The use and design of 3D printed parts is a complex task and requires specialized knowledge about requirements of applications, its material and fabrication characteristics. That is why we are highlighting these new challenges with a dedicated Award. You are invited to the challenge and submit your candidate application of the best use of 3D printing in your racing car.

The criteria for the Award are:

  • Selected application: short, overall description including main requirements and functions
  • Specific motivation / benefits why to 3D print the(se) part(s)
  • Choice of material and 3D printing process with a brief justification
  • Summary of highlights during the realized design, optimization and fabrication process
  • Summary of achieved part performances: cost, mechanics, functions

The BASF Award is open to all FSC, FSE and FSD teams participating in the Formula Student Germany 2019 competition. Your team can apply for the Award by submitting an abstract (max. 2 pages including all figures), which describes the main features of the chosen 3D printed part(s) as mentioned above. Based on your pre-submitted application, up to five teams will be selected for a final presentation during FSG 2019. Here you will pitch your concept to the judges.

We are excited to see, how you as the next generation of young professionals use all your skills to show competitive and innovative 3D printed parts in your cars of the Formula Student Germany competition. Lots of success to everyone!

Your price

The winning team with the best use of 3D printing will receive 3.000 EUR in prize money. The prize will be awarded during the Formula Student Germany 2019 event at the Hockenheimring.

Please upload your application for the competition via the FSG website (=> MyTeam => Competitions=> Deadlines) by Monday, 22nd July 2019, 23:59 CEST.

Partners of FSG 2025